After that we talk about what happened then we write about it. We start: I think...........because............ . In this experiment we each folded a paper flower then put it in cold water and observed.
Here we are writing about what happened when Miss Gill ran the cars down the ramp onto the carpet. You can see the results of the experiment in the background, behind Thea.
We wondered what might happen if we ran the cars down a ramp onto the 'hard floor' in the art area - so we gave it a try. This photo shows what happened.
In this experiment we put some milk (with the fat in it), into a plate then Miss Gill added some food colouring then some dishwashing liquid. It was amazing - the colours 'spread out and went crazy'.
Here we are drawing our diagram, so we can write about our food colouring and dishwashing liquid experiment. We have learnt that a diagram is a labeled picture that scientists use.
We get pretty excited when we hear that we are going to be 'acting like scientists' again.