Monday, 10 October 2016

Room 3 Superstars

At the end of last term, we all presented our poems to the rest of our class.  We were able to choose which poem we wanted to share then we had some time to practise before sharing in front of the class. Here we all are, tell us what you think.


















Sunday, 18 September 2016

Our trip to the Life Education truck

Last week we visited Harold and Teresa in the Life Education truck. It was great fun in there - there are no windows in this classroom but there are cool lights, like stars, in the ceiling!! We started off with some exercise, here we are having a bit of a dance.
We were learning about being healthy and foods. Teresa had a big container of foods and we chose two items from it. Here we are trying to name the foods we chose.

"Wow, look at what I got", said Sam. "These look good and healthy for my lunch", said Addy.
"Yum, these look like yummy foods", said Ben and Connor. 

After we had all named our foods, Teresa taught us about the 'Food Pyramid'. We learnt about foods we should 'eat most', foods we should 'eat some' of and foods we should 'eat a little' of. We then put our foods on to the food pyramid mat.
"I think this food goes in that part of the food pyramid", said Zack. "Where do you think these grapes should go, Joshua", said Reece.
Here's our completed food pyramid, with all our foods in the correct part of the Food Pyramid.
It was great to see Harold's movie about going on a picnic and we were really pleased that we were able to help you get some more food for your picnic, after that naughty possum got into the food you had packed.
Thank you for visiting us Harold and Teresa. We can't wait to visit you again next year.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Polyfest Sasa practise

We have been enjoying learning our school sasa and songs for our Polyfest performance. Here we are practising the 'Talofa' part of the sasa. We are all dressed up in our school colours as we had our Sasa house competition this afternoon. Congratulations to Oreti house, who were the winners today.

We are looking forward to performing with the rest of the school, on the big stage at Polyfest, next Thursday. Make sure you come along to cheer us on.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Room 3 scientists

The children in Room 3 have been 'acting like scientists' by carrying out a range of science experiments. We have been discussing the equipment needed for each experiment then we share our predictions about what we think might happen and why. We observe carefully what happens during the experiments ( we have learnt that observe means to look or watch).
After that we talk about what happened then we write about it. We start: I think...........because............ . In this experiment we each folded a paper flower then put it in cold water and observed.
Here we are writing about what happened when Miss Gill ran the cars down the ramp onto the carpet. You can see the results of the experiment in the background, behind Thea.
We wondered what might happen if we ran the cars down a ramp onto the 'hard floor' in the art area - so we gave it a try. This photo shows what happened.
In this experiment we put some milk (with the fat in it), into a plate then Miss Gill added some food colouring then some dishwashing liquid. It was amazing - the colours 'spread out and went crazy'.
Here we are drawing our diagram, so we can write about our food colouring and dishwashing liquid experiment. We have learnt that a diagram is a labeled picture that scientists use.

We get pretty excited when we hear that we are going to be 'acting like scientists' again.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Welcome to Lachie and Luke

Today we welcomed Lachie and Luke into our room, from Room 1.

It's great to have you join us, boys. We hope you have a fantastic time in Room 3.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Pyjama day in Room 3

We have had a great start back to term 2, in Room 3. 

After hearing lots of exciting stories about what we got up to in the holidays we were all looking forward to our pyjama day, which was held on Wednesday the 4th of May.

Mr Wadsworth came down to join us for part of the day and we thought he looked 'pretty funny' in a pink dressing gown. Here's a photo of us all. Come on in to our classroom to see the pictures we drew of ourselves in our pyjamas, too.

Our trip to Queens Park

On Wednesday the 13th of April we all went on a bus trip into Queens Park, in Invercargill. The trip was part of our science, 'Living World' topic.

We visited the stumpery. It was great fun looking for different 'living things' amongst all the wood.

After we had had some morning tea we went over to the animals. We were looking at how the different animals kept warm and also how the animals kept themselves cool, in the sun.

We loved looking at the wild pigs. They came out to see us.
After visiting the animals we walked over to the bird aviary to see all the interesting birds there. We looked at their different beaks and feet and thought about how the birds use them.

When we had finished looking at the birds, we had a picnic lunch in front of the aviary, before getting back on the bus and heading back to school.

A big 'Thank you very much' to all the parents who came along to help us out on our trip, we hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Book Fair Week - Dress Up day

Here we are all dressed up as villains and 'bad characters' from story books and movies. We loved getting dressed up and being able to be part of the whole school grand parade on the tennis court. Can you guess who we all are?

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Our Room 3 Movie - The Winton Way with RERE.

Here is the movie that we made with Mr Wadsworth. We will tell you about how we show Respect, Effort, Responsibility and Empathy in our learning spaces. Hope you enjoy watching it, please leave us a message to let us know what you think of our movie.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Our foyer display

Have you been in to see our class display in the foyer? We made a short film with Mr Wadsworth, which was shown at our first school assembly for the year. If you weren't able to be at that assembly, we have put some photos up in the foyer so you can see what RERE has been teaching us. Our display will be up for another week and will be moved at the end of next week. Please come and see it.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Buddy time with our Room 13 buddies.

We had our first session with our big buddies today. Here we are sharing a story with our new buddies.

Thanks for coming to see us big buddies.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Meet the 2016 Room 3 team.

We are a busy bunch of learners in Room 3. Come on in to see what we've been up to, we would love to see you.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Our Scientist of the day experiments

Scientist of the day.

During the last term we have been learning about being scientists. We learnt about the things scientists do. We all had the chance to be the 'Scientist of the Day' and share an experiment with the rest of the class.